I help you promote your business online

For real and without breaking promises.

I create professional websites and manage Google Ads campaigns to create your virtual sales  person.

My name is Giorgio Mazzei and I’m a web developer and media buyer based in Livorno, Italy. I help my clients grow their businesses by creating professional websites that work like a salesman to increase sales and appointments.

You don’t know where to start?

Are you a freelancer or an entrepreneur looking to create a professional website to attract more clients as a virtual sales person?

If you’ve been researching the topic for a while, you’re probably feeling confused about what to do. The overwhelming amount of information available online might be discouraging.

And it’s true, creating a website and building an online presence can be quite a complex process.

But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. I’ve been managing websites for years that are viewed by millions of people every year.

On the internet, especially using Google Ads, you can reach out people who are ready to buy your type of products or services. People who are ready to pay someone to satisfy their needs or solve their problems.

But being ready to pay a service doesn’t mean being ready to pay YOU.

In fact, 80% of the people who are ready to buy the type of service you’re offering are not ready to buy YOURS.

That’s where you personal virtual salesman comes for the help.

Ready to start?

If this is your first time dealing with websites, you’ll likely want to understand some things better or clarify doubts that have come to mind. Or perhaps you already have your project in mind and want to get started right away. Whatever your situation may be, contact me now, and let’s devise the best solution for you.

Are you ready or do you have questions? Fill out my contact form on the contacts page by clicking the button below.

How you website will look like

1. Attract

1. Attract

Your website will serve as a system that initially attracts potential clients through one or more traffic sources. These sources can be either paid, such as advertising campaigns on Facebook or Google, or organic (free), like social media profiles or Google searches.

2. Select

2. Select

If you want to use your website to get more clients, you cannot design it the same as a brochure. The website is your storefront, your assistant, your seles person, and what the person sees when he enters in you physical shop or studio.

There are a lot of things that you have to tell your visitors. Use a killing Unique Selling Proposition (USP), tell with whom you work with and witch whom you don’t work with, explains why your services and not the one from your competitors, etc.

3. Convert

3. Convert

If the potential client thinks that you are the right person for him, or he is interested is some material that you are giving for free to learn more about your business, he will eventually get in touch, download something, book an appoitment or buy your product/service.

The process can be more or less complicated depending on you business, you market or your product/service.

What could you use to let your visitors get in touch with your business?

These are just ideas that you can take inspiration from and adapt to your specific needs.

Simple contact form
Capture their email in exchange of free information
Quote modules
Reminder emails if the contact does not respond
Newsletter subscription (the real one, not spam)
Appointment booking from a calendar

Ready to start?

If this is your first time dealing with websites, you’ll likely want to understand some things better or clarify doubts that have come to mind. Or perhaps you already have your project in mind and want to get started right away. Whatever your situation may be, contact me now, and let’s devise the best solution for you.

Are you ready or do you have questions? Fill out my contact form on the contacts page by clicking the button below.

My clients and portfolio

As a remote worker I had clients and still have clients all around the world. I live in Italy and have many local businesses, I worked for clients in the US, Canada, Norway, Germany and Egypt in very different indutries, from influencers to taxi drivers, from computer shops to fashion designers.

More than 1 million people reached every year with a single site.

Through a blog, I’ve managed to generate over 1 million views in the last 2 years, selling products.

These are free views that people typically pay for, and I’ve obtained them for free through my Google search optimization (SEO) strategies.

The site has never been sponsored by anyone and has been built from scratch entirely through my efforts.

Ready to start?

If this is your first time dealing with websites, you’ll likely want to understand some things better or clarify doubts that have come to mind. Or perhaps you already have your project in mind and want to get started right away. Whatever your situation may be, contact me now, and let’s devise the best solution for you.

Are you ready or do you have questions? Fill out my contact form on the contacts page by clicking the button below.

Will it be difficult to use my website?

Can you navigate your phone and computer to perform the operations you need? Both are extremely complex devices behind the scenes.

Imagine the same thing: we create your website with all the complexities behind the scenes, and you won’t need any additional skills to use it for your business.

Moreover, whenever you want to update the site, you can contact us to change anything you want.

There are websites, though, like e-commerce sites, that require some knowledge of certain technicalities such as order management. Don’t worry, there’s nothing complicated to learn.

Once your project is finished, you’ll have the opportunity to have training sessions to learn how to use everything you need.

“What if I want to change something my myself?”

The graphics of websites are created using a tool that does not require (or almost does not require) the use of code.

If you want to change only text or images, you won’t have any problems!

Ready to start?

If this is your first time dealing with websites, you’ll likely want to understand some things better or clarify doubts that have come to mind. Or perhaps you already have your project in mind and want to get started right away. Whatever your situation may be, contact me now, and let’s devise the best solution for you.

Are you ready or do you have questions? Fill out my contact form on the contacts page by clicking the button below.